Crystal Palace Transition Town Choir
Fun, friendly singing to celebrate people and planet
in a warm welcoming atmosphere
Fly Around the World On Wings Of Song
We sing songs from around the world with people from around the world.
A cappella songs of many flavours – folk, world, pop – all taught by ear.
Why Sing?
Singing is as natural as birds tweeting in trees with many wellbeing benefits:
* Social Vitamins - singing builds friendships & community ecosystems
* Deepens breathing and harmonises heart rate
* Busts stress and boosts brainpower
* Helps us walk and talk tall
* It’s fun!
Please don't worry if you've never sung before or think/ were told you can't sing
- everything will be taught by ear in a relaxed atmosphere.
Coming Up This Term
Green Drinks - stay on and socialise with CPTT friends - 13th Sept and monthly
Celebrating #WorldPeaceDay - with global choral movement One Day One Choir
21st October - Come and Sing - 3.30pm, Christchurch Gipsy Hill
launch event of St Christopher's Hospice Compassionate Neighbours campaign
Christmas Busk at Crystal Palace Food Market 16th December
and other seasonal warbling & wassailing around the triangle.
Plus Singing at the Station.. and more...!
Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm
The Paxton Centre, 52 Anerley Hill SE19 2AE
Autumn Term
13th September - 13th December
Half Term break 25th October - no session
Book Your Spot in the Singing Flock - £7/ £5 per session
Block Booking for Full/ Half Term of 6/12 weeks - £6 per session
£36/72 per half/full term -