Over the 5 weeks you will create your own unique mosaic circular pattern, setting an intention and working with colour and shape. I will guide you through skills and techniques using a range of tools. The course reaches out to all levels- beginners or more advanced techniques. You will have a full range of tiles and materials and everything is provided for fun, creative and inspirational sessions. We will also have mindful moments and exercises weaved in around curiosity and flow. In the final session you will grout your piece – ready to take home and treasure.
"This course is like therapy, I love the way Julie teaches and her knowledge and experience is superb – I felt relaxed and supported throughout” previous course.
Link to tutors website: www.creativechance.co.uk
Any questions email Julie at: jewels@art4space.co.uk
The course fee is £160 for qualified tuition with all materials included.
You can pay the full course fee, perfect if giving this creative course as a gift.
* Refunds only 7 days prior to the course.
5 week course dates:
Tuesdays 7-9.30pm
Feb 21st, 28th
March 7th, 14th, 21st,