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Community Conversations - Spring

Following on from our first community conversations in November and December 2024, you are invited to our Spring gathering at the lovely Paxton Centre

We thought we'd create another space for a facilitated conversation, with a chance to mingle

This event follows in the long tradition of successful community and green drinks by the transition town, but also open to being completely different !

  • Hear updates from some local projects

  • Get a chance to share what you're up to, and what you're interested in

    It's a bit of an experiment to re-open our community conversations after a long-break. We welcome everyone, from new faces to old regulars. Bring an open mind and a sense of humour.

    7pm for a 7.30pm start. Free admission, but if you can, please support our wonderful hosts the Paxton Centre with a drinks purchase.

    We'll hear short contributions from some projects as they confirm and add them to our list here. There will be also opportunities for informal questioning.

    This event has been funded with support from The National Lottery Community Fund, distributed by Transition Together & Crystal Palace Transition Town. Thanks to National Lottery players for making this possible. Look for more information about Transition Together at